Tuesday, July 7, 2009

His Story: Searching and Finding (1991)

Part 1
Alone, wandering, searching in the vast expanse-
The air spoke past’s agony- the night before dawn.

I was not alone for I could hear a gentle sobbing-
Another lonely heart; breaking rules, the like did attract.
Away in a mansion- dark but for a single lamp,
It’s flare flitting restless, drops of oil aflame fall as fiery tears;
And beyond it lay a corridor, lit shadows treading a measure
Giving form to the moment’s tale to the rhythm of woeful passions.
This stifled light crept along the corridor,
And caressed a form lying by a shuttered window.
The stroving eye has met its mark, the search is over
For there lay my dreams moulded in mortal clay!

But? ….

This quill can never trace my heart’s treasure.
But with confessed cripple, let me say “O dainty maiden!”

Her dark hair straying across that beauteous fair face,
Those tear stained cheeks glisten as moonlit waters,
There were creases strange on her brow, selfish-sorrow-scarred;
The black eyes filled dim, but no power could mar that wonder,
The long wet lashes like reaching branches dripping dew,
Yet, through the full waters, there lay a light – from yore, or hope of morrow.
Her bloodstained lips trembled, lucky breath to kiss her tender;
Her face rests on a step, flesh on stone, warmth on cold-
The rivulet of tears trickled till they dropped on her heaving bosom,
The unfelt cold, for her heart seemed afire with passions too fiery.

Why? …

There she lay still but for her straying eyes
Which looked out into into the night, looking for …

How I wished to break that troubled repose!
And then, as if thoughts spoke, she turned, startled-
Our eyes met, questions not asked, answers known;
I stepped down and knelt by her, but not touching-
Not to harm her gentle self, but with yearning,
And as per heart’s decree, she set the password of the moment:
She smiled.

O love!

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